Frequently Asked Questions
Enrolling in Care
The Centre Coordinator will contact you to advise the availability of care at the Centre. For this reason we request that you keep your contact details up to date and notify us if you need for care changes.
Our waitlist is managed in priority order based on the duration a family has been registered on the waitlist and the requested needs of the family eg. the number of days and the days of the week care has been requested. Please contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370 for further information.
Yes there is a $30 administration fee to place your child or children on to our waiting list.
This is dependent on a number of factors such as the movement of existing families and changes to their care needs. Whilst places do arise from time to time during the year, it is common for an increased number of vacancies to be available at the beginning of the year as children transition between rooms. To access these places it is important that you place your name on the waiting list.
Yes, placement at the Centre is determined by our waiting list. At present we have a significant number of families expressing an interest in a place, however we encourage you to contact the Centre Coordinator to discuss adding your child to the waitlist.
Eltham Woods provides child care from 7.00am until 6.30pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays for approximately 50 weeks of the year. There is a period over the Christmas break during which the Centre closes for up to 2 weeks, the dates of which are advised in advance to allow families time to prepare.
Settling your child into care
In the first instance the Centre Coordinator is available to assist families who have questions or concerns. However Eltham Woods has a Grievance Procedure which also allows you to escalate any concerns to the Committee of Management for resolution.
Please contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370 for more information.
To ensure the safety of our children, you can arrange for a pre-nominated person to collect your child. However we request that you contact the Centre to notify staff if the person collecting your child is different from the person listed at the time the child was signed into the Centre.
No, our Centre provides long day care and does not offer occasional care or half day places. All places at the Centre are offered as full day places regardless of the period of time the child attends care during the day.
Children are cared for in groups with children of similar age and needs. As such our Centre operates the following rooms:
Butterfly Room (Babies) - 3 months – 2.5 years
Wombat Room (Toddlers) - 2 years – 3.5 years
Possum Room (Kinder) - 3.5 years – school age
When outdoors, the children from the Butterfly room have their own space within the yard. The Wombat and Possum Room children share an extensive play area with various climbing structures and outdoor toys. -
Our staff are very experienced in caring for children as they transition into care and any child who is unsettled or upset will be well cared for until they feel comfortable in the care environment.
If staff feel that the child is not going to settle after a period of time or is unreasonably upset, staff will ensure they contact you to determine what is best for your child.
Yes, Eltham Woods Childcare has an open door policy and parents are welcome to visit at any time during the day. Parents may find this useful immediately after the orientation period until such time as your child has settled into care.
Yes, you are encouraged to work together with the carers at Eltham Woods to formulate an orientation plan that meets your family’s needs.
A gradual introduction involving you remaining at the Centre with your child over two shorter stays is recommended as it allows your child time to familiarise themselves with their new environment, the other children and their carers. It also allows you to share information with the carers about your child and to observe staff and the centre.
Leaving your child in the care of someone else can be an overwhelming and daunting experience.
The staff at Eltham Woods recognise the emotions felt by both parent and child during the transition phase and will work closely with you and your child to ensure a smooth transition to care. For this reason the Centre offers an orientation period during which your child is gradually settled into care.
Operation of the Centre
Yes we offer a funded kindergarten program in our possum and wombat rooms. Our kindergarten program operates 5 days per week.
The days that the program runs is determined by the children enrolled in the program. Please contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370 to check the arrangements for the year in which your child reaches kindergarten age.
Yes our educators will give you a detailed report of your child’s day upon collection, this will include their sleep periods, meals eaten and toileting habits as well as some of the activities that they have enjoyed.
Regular contact is maintained with families by using email as we have found this to be an effective and environmentally friendly method to share information about the Centre. Communication will include a regular newsletter, notices of upcoming events, communication from the Committee of Management and fortnightly invoices.
There are also various notice boards at the Centre entrance which share information.
Eltham Woods supplies all food, drink and nappies required by the children during the day. Sunscreen and nappy creams are available but due to allergies the Centre is happy for parents to provide their own. A suitable sun hat will also be provided to your child throughout their enrolment at Eltham Woods.
Children will require appropriate clothes and foot wear and a water bottle to access water throughout the day. If their diet still includes breast milk or formula you will also need to supply this.
No. The building from which the service operates is owned by Nillumbik Council and they maintain the physical building and associated structures of the Centre.
However the childcare service operates as a not for profit cooperative. This means that a group of volunteer parents with children at the Centre form a Committee of Management. A Centre Coordinator is engaged by the Committee to manage the operational requirements of the Centre.
Yes, we encourage new families to make a time to come and tour the Centre. Whilst you are welcome to call in at any time, to assist us with caring for the children we request you contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370 to make a time when we can spend some time to show you around the Centre and its facilities.
If you speak to the staff and families of Eltham Woods they will most likely share a number of factors which make Eltham Woods a great childcare centre. This includes the high level of quality care, the natural environment which surrounds the Centre, the dedication of the long servicing staff, the community spirit of a cooperative based childcare and the knowledge that as a not for profit Centre all money is used to benefit the care of the children attending the Centre.
Yes, the Centre is currently rated as exceeding in all seven areas of the National Quality Standard.
The Centre actively ensures we remain compliant with all government regulations in relation to qualifications held and staff to children ratios.
Our staff have various qualifications in Children’s Services including Certificate III, Diploma and Kindergarten teaching qualifications. They also regularly update their qualifications such as First Aid and Anaphylaxis training.
Eltham Woods Childcare is extremely proud of the length of service of the staff at the Centre, with a number of staff being employed by the Centre in excess of 10 or 15 years. As a result we have an experienced team who work cohesively to provide consistent care to the children.
Committee of Management
Apart from the opportunity to contribute to the operation of the Centre and actively support your child and other children in the community by providing this valuable service, families are also eligible to have some or all the annual levies waived. Please contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370 for more information.
No, however we encourage families to at least attend our Annual General Meeting around March each year. We know that families are very busy (this is often the reason childcare has been sought in the first place), so we have a number of families who offer their skills to complete various tasks at a time that is convenient to them.
No, we recognise that everyone who joins the Committee makes a valuable contribution. It is also acknowledged that greater involvement of parents on the Committee results in improved care particularly when workloads are shared and the right mix of skills is achieved.
Yes, in fact we actively encourage all families to consider joining the Committee of Management. By joining you have an opportunity to have a say in how the Centre operates and provide input into decisions including fee increases and policy development.
Past members of the Committee of Management have shared that they have made lifetime friendships, developed skills that have helped them both personally & professionally and have felt a great sense of satisfaction in contributing to the welfare of their children and the community by participating on the Committee.
As a Cooperative, Eltham Woods Childcare is managed by a Committee of Management made up of parents with children attending the Centre.
The Committee engages a Centre Coordinator who is responsible for the day to day operation of the Centre. As a result, there is no ‘owner’ of the business and therefore no profits are taken from the Centre. All money is reinvested into providing the highest quality care for the children.
Fees and Levies
You should contact the Centre Coordinator immediately if you are unable to pay your fees at any time. We are happy to work with you to determine the options available. The Centre also has a policy for managing unpaid accounts and extended or recurring periods can result in forfeiture of your child’s place at the Centre.
The Centre has a late collect fee which is charged for every minute after 6.30pm that the child is not collected. The current late fee is charged at $3.00 per minute.
Yes. With the exception of the close down period at Christmas, fees are payable for any day your child is enrolled in care, including public holiday’s, regardless of whether your child attends or not.
The Centre aims to provide flexible options for payment of fees. Our preferred payment method is by Direct Debit however families can also pay online by credit card using the secure Childcare Smart Fees site. If required, arrangements can be made to pay fees via EFT.
Regardless of the method selected prompt and regular payment is essential to ensure the Centre meets its financial obligations such as payment of staff wages.
As an accredited childcare centre, families may be eligible for the various government rebates including the Childcare subsidy (CCS) which can be deducted from your fees prior to the Centre invoicing. Please ensure you contact the Family Assistance Office to determine your entitlements http://www.familyassist.gov.au/
The Centre will require your customer reference number and that of your child’s before any adjustments can be made to fees.
Once you have accepted a place for your child at Eltham Woods you will be required to pay a bond equivalent to 2 weeks of care. This will be returned to you when you leave the Centre and after all accounts have been cleared.
Yes, like most Childcare Centres, fees are payable for the days on which your child is enrolled regardless of whether they are in attendance. This includes public holidays and when your child is absent due to illness, family holidays or other reasons. Fees are not payable during the close down period over the Christmas break.
The fees charged by the Centre are directly used to meet the daily requirements of providing care for the children including staff wages, utilities and meals.
However in order to maintain the facilities (separate from the services provided by Nillumbik Council for the building) and to provide materials for the children’s activities, the Centre also charges some levies.
As at 1 January 2014 these levies are as follows:
Resources & Maintenance Levy:
1 child in care
Quarterly $62.50
Annual $250.00
2 or more children in care
Quarterly $87.50
Annual $350.00
In some instance, these fees are waived annually (in part or full) for families who actively participant on the Committee of Management or assist with other tasks.
For further information and to confirm the current levies, please contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370.
As a not-for-profit service, all fees are invested into the operation of the Centre. Our aim is to offer a cost effective service that is accessible to the community.
Our fees as of 1 January 2023 are as follows:
Rate Fee Daily $138.00
As with most services, our fees are periodically revised by the Committee of Management in accordance with our budget processes.
For further information and to confirm the current fees, please contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370.
The Centre operates on a fortnightly fee payment cycle. Once the bond is received, families pay fortnightly for services provided during the previous period. In order for the Centre to remain financially viable, we require prompt and regular payment of fees and levies.
The Centre has a sun smart protection policy which requires child and staff to wear a bucket hat and sunscreen when outside during September to May.
All children attending Eltham Woods are provided with a suitable hat for sun protection that is kept at the centre for outdoor play.
In the warmer months this is also balanced by avoiding outdoor activities in the middle of the day.
Yes, you are encouraged to approach staff at any point to set up a time to discuss your child’s progress. It is important to ensure that an appropriate time is set up to minimise disruption to the care of other children. Alternatively the Centre will offer various times during the year when appointments can be made to meet with staff.
Yes, staff a Centre prepare plans specific to each child’s needs in line with the National Early Years Learning Framework. This is carried out on periodic cycle and staff welcome the opportunity to discuss these plans with families.
Yes, the Centre celebrates many events during the year including staff and children’s birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Mothers and Fathers day. We recognise Indigenous days of significance including Reconciliation week, NAIDOC week and Indigenous literacy day. We also incorporate cultural events such as Chinese New Year and Diwali that are celebrated by current families attending the centre and other community activities such as football days and the local wattle festival or similar events.
The Centre provides a structured environment in which appropriate routines assist the children to feel safe in the care environment. This includes periods of play, rest and meals along with indoor and outdoor activities.
Nutrition & Food
Eltham Woods has a strict allergy management plan in place. All staff are trained in anaphylaxis and allergy management. Eltham Woods does not allow food to be brought into the centre. Our centre cook is also allergy aware and provides suitable alternatives for children with allergies or food intolerances. We encourage you to contact the Centre Coordinator on 9431 1370 to discuss the specific needs of your child.
Staff work closely with families to ensure a food is not provided to a child until such time as the family have given consent. Families can regularly update a list of foods which have been introduced and can specify foods which are not to be given to their child in relation to allergies.
Depending on the times your child is in care, children are provided with breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack.
The menu rotates based on seasonal availability to ensure children receive a variety of food including fresh fruit and vegetables. The menu is also shared with families via regular newsletters and Centre notice boards.
For babies and younger children, cots are available to ensure their safety and comfort during sleep times. Older children are provided with mats on the floor that are covered with sheets that are only used by your child on their day of attendance. These are regularly washed to ensure they remain hygienic.
As children grow their sleep needs change and as such staff will provide quite time activities for children who no longer have a sleep. Staff will work closely with families to determine the best care for the child and parents can request that a child isn’t put down to sleep during the day (particularly where this impacts on the child’s night time routine).
Eltham Woods recognises the importance of sleep or rest periods for children. Each room has a specified period during the day in which children are encourage to rest or sleep as appropriate to their age and development. All Eltham Woods educators have undertaken safe sleeping practices training.
Security and Emergencies (Flood, Fire, Other)
Eltham Woods Childcare places a strong emphasis on ensuring the Centre is a safe environment for everyone.
There are many processes in place to facilitate this including checklists, policies, procedures and physical structures. The Centre has documented Occupational Health and Safety procedures for both children and staff.
In addition the Centre is supported by Nillumbik Council and other agencies to ensure we continue to provide a safe environment for the children.
The Centre has recently purchased a mobile phone specifically for the purpose of communicating in emergencies. It is essential that contact details are kept up to date to enable us to contact you should the need arise.
Yes, the Centre has a plan in place which was significantly revised after the Black Saturday Fires and is revised annually. This plan applies to all types of emergencies (not just bushfire) and the Centre undertakes regular evacuation exercises to ensure that in the event of an emergency the children are familiar with the processes.
Like a number of children’s services within the Eltham area, Eltham Woods Childcare Cooperative has previously been listed on the Department of Education’s bushfire at-risk register therefore we take a proactive approach to the danger that bushfires present. On days which are declared as catastrophic risk in the central fire district in which we are located the centre will be closed and no care is provided.
Yes, it is a legal requirement that children attending the Centre are immunised according to the government schedule. You will be asked upon enrolment and periodically during attendance to provide copies of immunisation details. If your child has not been immunised for a specific reason, please contact the Centre Coordinator to discuss.
The Centre adheres to the Children’s Services Regulations in relation to the issuing of medication and will only do so in accordance with Doctors instructions. If your child has a chronic illness which may require ongoing medication (such as asthma or similar), please contact the Centre Coordinator to discuss arrangements.
Depending on the nature of the illness, you child will be cared for by a staff member away from other children in the Centre until such time as you can collect them from the Centre. Staff may request a clearance certificate from a Doctor prior to your child returning to care.
In most cases you will not be able to send your child to care whilst they are ill, particularly where the nature of the illness is infectious. The Centre is guided by the government guidelines on exclusion periods for illnesses, during which time you will need to arrange alternative care for your child.