At Eltham Woods we provide our children with healthy nutritional meals.
We have a seasonal rotating menu that provides children with different textures, flavours and cuisine. Our meals are prepared at the centre by our cook, by making meals from scratch we’re able to limit the use of additives and preservatives in our meals.
The children are provided with breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a light snack in the late afternoon. Our babies are offered a bowl of steamed vegetables followed by the main meal. We also promote healthy teeth by offering the children apple slices after their main meal.
We source our meat from a local butcher and utilise a local orchard for fresh produce when it’s available. We also have vegetable and herb gardens throughout the centre that we utilise fresh produce from when it is available. The children assist in caring for these gardens and collecting produce which allows them to understand where food comes from and often encourages the children to try new foods.
Our menu is a four-week rotational seasonal menu that is based on the healthy eating pyramid and the guidance of Nutrition Australia. This guides us to cover all food groups and ensures that each child is getting a well-balanced home cooked meal each day.
The centre is allergen aware and specific dietary requirements are followed and where necessary substitute meals are provided.
We welcome mum’s who are breastfeeding to attend the centre at any time throughout the day to feed their child.
Our educators sit with the children at meals times and utilise this time to provide a supportive and enjoyable environment at meal times. Educators encourage the children to begin to make healthy meal choices and develop independence with meal routines.
We provide the children with cooking experiences throughout our program to build children’s knowledge of food and encourage them to become involved and excited about the opportunity of trying new foods.