Our Programs
At Eltham Woods our program is based on the National Early Years Learning Framework, our kindergarten curriculum also follows the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.
We work closely with our families to create programs based on the children’s current interests and developmental needs. Parents are encouraged to participate in the program by providing staff with information regarding their child’s routine, interests, recent outings, and developmental achievements.
Every child that attends EWCC has an online page via Story Park that both educators and families can contribute to. Their page contains learning stories, photographs, developmental information and artwork. Learning stories and photographs provide information to parents regarding their child’s involvement in the EWCC program, they also allow the parents to see what areas of development the room leader is working on with their child and encourage parents to be involved in their learning. Parents are encouraged to provide feedback regarding their child’s program by commenting on their child’s learning stories or adding their own learning stories.
Educators in each room collaborate and develop a project for the children attending their room. This project is developed from a common interest amongst children, the centre philosophy is also incorporated into each project. The project provides the children with a range of activities covering different areas of the Early Years Learning Framework. The project provides opportunities for spontaneous activities as we allow the children to lead their program. Community involvement is also sort in each rooms project, this may be through educational visits from early years providers such as cultural shows, puppet shows, drama shows or sustainability shows. We also engage with local community groups such as amongst others Edendale farm, emergency services, Eltham bunnings and our local fruit orchard to extend children’s knowledge in relation to what the children are learning about in their project.
Our program includes further links to the community, the children are provided with a weekly sport and music program and we engage local children’s science program provider to attend the centre twice a term to deliver a science class with our kindergarten children. We have built a relationship with a children’s service in Denmark who we regularly exchange emails with and we have recently exchanged frequent letters with residents from a local aged care facility.
Every child that attends EWCC has an individual program that is carefully planned by a consistent educator in partnership with the child and their family. Educators build strong reciprocal relationships with children before identifying their interests and developmental strengths, educators also work with each child’s families to determine common interests at home and at the centre. The educator then plans an individual program for the child carrying out a number of engaging experiences to assist the child to progress towards a goal that has been set. Families are provided with suggestions for home that can contribute to the child progressing towards the goal. Once the child achieves or makes substantial progress towards their goal the educator evaluates and reflects on the child’s learning including how they contributed to the child’s learning. The children are also consulted on what they learnt and how they enjoyed their individual learning journey.
Indigenous education is embedded in our program and is an important part of our service philosophy. Children spend time on country in the reserve adjacent to the centre. We teach children to care for and respect the land and to be thankful for all that it provides us. As part of our program children learn how to care for animals through animal programs that visit us each term. Edible bush tucker gardens feature throughout the centre, the children help care for these and any available produce is utilised in meals. Indigenous resources feature throughout all the rooms and play spaces throughout the centre. All Eltham Woods educators have undertaken training in embedding Indigenous practices and many have completed Indigenous cultural awareness training. We regualry provide the children with Indigenous education programs and visits from Indigenous Australian’s to build the children knowledge and respect in this important area.